1.Sing a song “traffic lights” in English. Act out it. Now let me tell you another news. Animals’ Olympic Games will be held, too. Do you want to watch their competitions?
2. Free talk: Revise the public rules. They are on the way there.
3. Tell the assessment.1.Sing the song together.
Winter Olympic Game will be held in 2022.Many competitions will be held. That will be a great job. How exciting!
2. Talk about Animals’ Olympic Games.
Say some public rules for
Students can get the sweetest candies for Tiger King.1.师生共同说唱歌谣,缓解学生紧张心情,同时歌曲的内容为后续词句学习打下埋伏。
2.交代冬奥会2022年将在中国举行,为本节课学习目标语言做铺垫。引出Animal Olympic Games.也为后面的culture link里的难点单词competition, cricket, rugby等生词做铺垫。
2.复习public rules,为本课的目标语言运用进行复习再现。创造大量的自然语言环境,使其口语得到充分的练习,注重培养他们的语言运用能力、思维能力及创新能力。
1.Show the whole passage.
1) Show Tiger King and ask why other animals are afraid of Tiger King.
2)Look and listen.
2. 1)Read Part One together and share your idea . Say some important words.
Who didn’t obey Tiger King’s rules today? Can you remember? How do you know? Did the duck obey Tiger King’s rules? What rules didn’t he obey? Can you guess? ---So poor.
Act out Part 1 dialogue.
Who’s like Tiger King?
Who’s like Miss Mouse?
2)Read section 2:What are the rules of the tiger King? ⊙ a. Listen! 做饭的声音,What’s up? Where ?Who? What is Miss Rabbit doing? What do you think of Miss Mouse? She works hard. Cooking is a hard work. She works hard. What rules for Miss Rabbit? Miss Mouse must cook food for him.⊙b. Tiger King makes a mess his house. He is very lazy.Who/Which animal must clean his house?Yes.
复习家务词组:sweep the floor, hang the clock/clothes. He works hard.⊙C.Is Miss Rabbit cleaning his house?
They work hard. Read it and match the jobs to these animals, please.
③ do role plays in your group.