学习September, October, the ninth month of the year, the tenth month of the year, Teachers’ Day, China’s National Day等这些重点词句的正确朗读。
四、教具:PPT, 卡片
出示幻灯片,上面快速闪现五张关于节日的图片,让孩子们仔细观看并且尽量记住它们是什么节日,包括New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Tree Planting Day, Labour Day, Children’s Day。教师提问What festival can you see? 让孩子们举手回答,检测一下他们的记忆正确率,之后再分别出示图片核对答案,同时对每个节日提问When is it?学生作答。这个环节的目的一是吸引孩子们的注意力,使其快速进入到学习的状态;二是对前面学习的节日及具体日期做复习巩固,为后面新知的学习做好铺垫。
1)教师说I’ll introduce 12 little children to you. Their names are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
2出示这十二个小朋友正在进行跑步比赛的幻灯片,裁判发令比赛开始,大家猜一猜谁会取得胜利。教师先引导学生说出第一个跑过终点线的是January,紧接着顺势引导说出January is the first month of the year.紧接着引导学生举手说出第二名是February,February is the second month of the year.以此类推,March is the third month of the year. April is the fourth month of the year. May is the fifth month of the year. June is the sixth month of the year. July is the seventh month of the year. August is the eighth month of the year.这几个月份都是前面学习完毕的,所以孩子们都举手踊跃回答。第九名是新词September,教师教授九月的发音,让学生们分别进行朗读直至熟练,然后学习序数词ninth,课件演示ninth的演变经过,通过直观的学习让学生更加容易地记住这个词。
3)出示九月份日历,提问Which month is the ninth month of the year?引导学生回答September is the ninth month of the year.板书这个句子,让孩子们开火车读,之后让孩子们以问答的形式对这个句子再次进行巩固操练。然后指着九月十号这一天提问What’s the date today? 学生举手回答September 10th .教师接着问 What festival is on September 10th? 学生尝试回答Teachers’ Day。课件展示Teachers’ 中s’而不是’s,向孩子们强调这一变化,避免孩子们在运用时发生混淆。
4)向学生们播放一组小视频,内容是教师节时孩子们送给老师的祝福,看完之后老师总结The students gave me many presents to show their love.I feel very happy.提别指出图片中的花对孩子们说These flowers are also from my students. They give me flowers to show their love.对课文中的句子进行提前渗透感知,老师和孩子们一起体会这份幸福,从而彰显教育的魅力所在。
5)用一组chant来总结,September, September is the ninth month. Teachers’ Day, Teachers’ Day is on September 10th.
6)出示September一词,教师说Look, the letters “Septem”go away. And the letters “Octo”are coming. 出现一个新的月份October。出示十月份图片,学习这个新词。紧接着教师介绍名叫“October”的小朋友,学习句子October is the tenth month of the year.同时板书这个句子,让孩子们开火车朗读直至准确熟练。然后October小朋友出现,说Now, I want to go to Beijing.
7)October来到了北京,观看一个小视频,画面中是中国军人的阅兵式表演,利用这一整齐划一的表演来吸引孩子们的眼球,同时提出问题让孩子们回答:When is it? What festival is on October 1st? What are they doing?让孩子们结组讨论这三个问题的答案,然后孩子们举手回答同时核对正确答案。It’s October 1st. China’s National Day. They are celebrating China’s National Day.核对到第三个答案时演示单词celebrating的由来,celebrate去掉字母e再加ing。这个环节的目的是调动孩子们热爱我们伟大祖国的积极情感,对中国军人的敬佩和热爱。同时通过小组合作交流达到互相学习共同提高的目的。
8)孩子们一起来说chant。October, October is the tenth month.National Day , National Day is on October 1st.
9)出示四个句子让孩子们举手朗读,October 1st is our National Day. Happy National Day! China is our motherland. 最后一句大家齐读We love China.共同表达大家对祖国的热爱之情。
September is the month of the year. Students go to school. They celebrate on September 10th. Look, the students are giving their teachers to show their .
China's National Day is on October 1st.
Look, the children are celebrating National Day.
October is the tenth month of the year.
1.Must do:Recite the text.
2.Try to do:Tell us some interesting things about your favourite month.
《Lesson 27》教学反思