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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 6下载详情

人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 6》公开课教案下载-汉中市优质课

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4.Ss get familiar with the sound / w /

Materials and their sources:


1.Textbook(Unit1 Lesson6)it is adapt from the textbook in Primary Grade6 of Jingtong .

2.task1 with computer pictures .handout with task2: their books.

3.PPT :There are18 slides made by teacher .

4.New word cards with pictures and sentence cards made by the teacher. They are : do tasks have an English party act in drama learn from each other We learned (English) by doing tasks. We learned from each other.

5. red and white chalks and erasers .

6. Projector&computer with seewo system, (seewo system can be not).

7. magnets

8. a ruler to make lines

9.adwanced blkackboard design

Skills and sub-skills

Tasks for developing skills

Anticipated problems with these tasks

Possible solutions

speaking for accuracy 1.

speaking for accuracy 2.

Give Ss a task 1 with the 4 pictures on PPT.

How did you learn English?

We ( I ) learned from each other.

We( I ) learned English by doing things.

Give Ss a task 2 ?in?pairs. Ss do the dialogue in the situation of learned English.

Ss will speak slowly and make wrong sentences.

2.Ss might speak Chinese when check the answer in pairs. Teacher remind them.

3.Ss might not know how to do this task.

they need teacher’s help.

4. Ss might forget the new word they just learned.get other Ss to help in groups.

1 in the instructions,give an example.

2 use ICQ to elicit or remind Ss to speak English and finish the task