1. Greeting:How are you today?
2. T: But I don’t feel good today. Because I had a dream. Talk about my dream.
1. T: My friend Wu Yifan had a dream last night, too. What’s his dream about? Watch a video first.
2. Order the pictures.
3. The first race.
(1) Ss listen to the story of the first race. Then think about 3 questions.
Question 1: What did he do?
Question 2: Could he run fast?
Question 3: What did he think?
① The 1st question: What did he do?
T: Look, this is a race. (have a race / had a race)
T: Whom did Wu Yifan have a race with?
T: By the way, can you see a lot of people there?
—Yes, there were many people there.
② The 2nd question:Could he run fast?
T: Actually, he could not do anything to help him to run fast. So we say: There was nothing he could do.
T: Now can you tell me together: Could he run fast? (Answer together)
③ The 3rd question: What did he think?
T: Listen carefully, try to imitate.
(2) Listen and repeat the first race.
(3) Make Ss discuss and retell the passage 1.
4. The second race
(1) Show a picture
T: There was a second race. Ah! Who was in the race?
(2) Watch ,ask the questions
① T: How did he feel? And why?
② T: What is a cheetah?