二: 教学重、难点
重点: 能用句型简单讨论服装颜色、大小等。
难点: short和shirt中的or, ir字母组合发音区别以及单词正确读 音和运用。
三: 教学准备
Step1. Greetings.(出示课件第1张)
T:Hello,boys and girls!(Hello, Jesse)
T:Nice to meet you!(Nice to meet you,too.)
Step2. Lead-in
Let’s watch and answer(出示课件第2张)
T: Ok, first, let’s enjoy a song and answer a question. What is the boy looking for ?(预设He is looking for his T-shirt,shirt,pants,ties,coat)
T: Yes,they are all about clothes.Today, we will learn something about clothes.(出示课件第3张)
Step3. Presentation
Look and guess.
T: Look at me(look at you)!(出示单词词条,教授look at,配上肢体动作,要求学生跟读且抽读。)
Look at the picture! Who are they?(或者Who is the girl and who is the boy?)(出示课件第4张)
T: Where are Anne and Peter?(They’re in the clothes store)
T:Do you want to go to the store with Anne and Peter?(yes)
Listen and answer(出示课件第5张)
T: Listen!What are they talking about? (They are talking about ...)
(3)Look and learn(出示课件第6张)
T:What are in the clothes store?)(...)
(4)Let’s learn(出示课件第7,8,9,10张)
1.T:Ok ,let’s go ,let’s have a look!
Wow,it’s a T-shirt(链接下一张灯片), dress, coat, shirt.(结合自然拼读,书空,丰富的抽读形式来教授,出示单词词条及图片,回答问题的学生奖励衣服教具一件)
预设:教授单词后,教师每种贴出两个教具引导学生说出:It’s a...(颜色)dress/coat/shirt.
T:Look at the ...s. I like the ...one. How about you? Ok, now, please read the sentence together:Look at the ...s.(指着句条)I like the... one.(指定小组集体回答并展示服装教具,然后点学生单个上台表达,顺势引入形容词。预设 :T:Why do you like it? 引入句型:It’s...引出更多的形容词beautiful,nice,pretty/ big, small/cool/ cheap等)
Wow, they’re trousers, shorts(链接下一张灯片).(重点强调谈论trousers, shorts时用they’re)
预设:T: When we talk about trousers and shorts, we should use “they’re...”(在句条前贴教具)