3 能掌握单词的读音及正确书写。
Step 1:Greeting
T:How are you ? Ss: I’m fine. And you? T:I’m fine too.
Step 2:Review and Lead-in
1.指着学生的衣服问:What colour is it?
Let’s sing and dance. (播放colour song)
2.播放完问:Are you happy? Yes, we sang a happy song.I’m happy too.
Because I wear new clothes. (((. ( 板书clothes并教读.)
Today we will learn about clothes.((. ( ( 板书标题))At first let’s watch the video.What did they talk about?They were taking about clothes. What clothes did they talk about?
Step 4:Teaching new words
通过视频引出新单词 shirt, 板书并且教读。强调ir的读法,从单词到短语,短语到句子,结合问学生,教读。
Shirt blue shirt Look at the blue shirt. Is it nice?
shirt green T-shirt Look at the blue T-shirt.Is it beautiful?
Dress red dress Look at the red dress. I like the red dress.Do you like the red dress?
Coat orange coat Look at the orange coat.Is it beautiful?
Trousers yellow trousers Look at the yellow trousers.They are beautiful.
Shorts blue shorts Look at the blue shorts. It’s nice.
Read the words follow me, Then read the words together.
Step 4: Let’s play
Step 5. Let’s listen
1.出示A部分图片,介绍图片。问:Who are they? (板书:Who : Peter and Anne)
2.出示问题where are they? What are they doing? (( 板书:where. what))
Listen and answer the questions. (( 解答并板书问题答案))
Step 6:Dead Part A follow the tape. (通过老师带读学生自己读齐读男女生读操练对话。)