Step 1.Warming up .
1. Enjoy a song: Hooray for fish.(A part of the song.)
The little fish has many fishy friends, come along with him.
(设计意图: 绘本歌曲导入,引出线索人物----A little fish.板书fish这个旧单词,即是明确主线,也是以旧带新,由易到难。)
2.Meet a letter fish.
1>.Review the consonants.
2>.Do the alphabet exercise together.
(设计意图:跟着little fish去认识他的朋友:遇到的第一个朋友是 letter fish, 目的是复习辅音字母及对应的发音,为后面的拼读铺垫,让孩子在轻松与愉快中进入课堂。)
Step 2. Presentation .
1.Meet a pink fish: Let’s chant.
1>Part F: A chant of letter Ii.
(设计意图:little fish遇到了第二个朋友:pink fish,自然进入湘少版教材Part F--A chant的学习,我设计成故事情节来逐步呈现,用视频、简笔画、TPR全身反应法等引导学生听、说、读、演。)
2>Magic Eyes: What can you find?
Conclusion:When i can’t go out, i sounds like /I/.
3>Let’s spell.
Try to spell: big , fix, fit, etc.
(设计意图:以动画的形式,进一步明确字母i 在闭音节中的发音规律,使学生留下深刻的印象后,鼓励学生尝试进行单辅音和i组成的闭音节单词的拼读,学以致用。)
2. Meet a kissing Fish:Let’s drill.
1>Kissing fish likes kissing.
Watch carefully and try to spell: sick, fill , ink , etc.
(设计意图:little fish 遇到第三个朋友:Kissing fish,通过接吻鱼接吻的形式,在学生已有基础上,进一步深挖拼读规则,形象地呈现二合辅音字母加i的闭音节单词,设计上梯度呈现,目的是训练学生见词能读,敢读的习惯。)
2>Kissing fish also likes playing games----fish, fish, go, go, go.
Work in groups, Listen carefully and try to spell: wig ,jig, slip, flip.
(设计意图:然后再拔高一个梯度:小组合作,在见词能读的基础上更进一步--听音能写, 在游戏中巩固掌握Ii的发音规律及自然拼读的方法,又培养了团结协作的能力。这里拼写的单词不是随意拿来的,而是后面拓展材料--Pig jigs中将会出现的新单词,对后面绘本的学习进行了潜移默化的铺垫,扫清新单词障碍。)
Step 3. Consolidation and improvement.
Meet his mother fish.
Mother fish loves her baby, she’ll tell a story to her baby.
1>.Enjoy a picture book: Pig jigs.
2>.Work in pairs: Read silently and circle the words with Letter Ii, try to spell.