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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点四年级上册Unit 3 Look at the elephant.下载详情
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4. Cultivating the students’ awareness of caring for animals.

三、Teaching key points:

Be able to listen, say and read the new words.

Be able to identify and describe the animals in the simple adjectives.

四、Teaching difficult points:

Distinguish between”a” and “an”

五、Teaching aids:

Word cards ,pictures,objects, PPT

六、Teaching methods: Task-based and Games

七、Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warm up.

1. Greetings

2. Making daily report.

Step 2. Presention

1 .Lead in by guessing game.

T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game, OK?

Ss :OK.

Showing PPT. Let students listen and guess.

T: What’s this ?

Ss :Elephant.

T: Yes. It’s an elephant

New teaching

(1) Boys and girls, today we will learn Unit 3 Look at this elephant .

Showing the title Unit 3 Look at this elephant by PPT , let students read after the teacher again and again .

T: How do you feel it?

(2) Showing the picture of an elephant , let students read the word

“elephant”, teach the new word “big” the phase“a big elephant”.

Pay attention to distingushing between“a” and “an” .

(3) Teaching the words : mouse , small, funny, monkey, strong , tiger , bird , beautiful in the same way .

(4) Showing the word cards , let students read .