3. Emotional aims
a. Encourage the pupils to talk with others bravely and politely.
b. Encourage the pupils to think differently. Main points1. Reading and using the words correctly.
2. Using the sentence pattern to communicate.Difficult pointsCommunicate with the sentence patterns and words.Teaching aidsMulti media, cards.ProceduresStepsContentsMethods PurposeStep1: Warm up 1. Sing a songSing and dance together:.
If you are happy.课前唱儿歌,可以活跃课堂气氛,让孩子们带着愉悦的心情开始学习。
Step2: Revision
Let’s play:
Read the words together.
Play a game:What’s this?
1.Read the words of Part B.
2. Play a game: good memory.用游戏竞赛的形式来复习单词,发挥学生的主动性,训练学生的记忆力,培养学生的创新能力及竞争能力。
Step3: Presentation
Listen and answer.
Read and answer.
1.Listen and answer the questions.
2. Read and answer the question.从听到读再到练和演, 层层递进,引导学生学习新对话,掌握重点句型。
Step4: Consolidation
Let’s act.
Play a chain game.
3. Let’s chant.1. Act out the dialogues.
2. Throw a toy bear and play a chain game..
5. Watch the flash and chant together.用多种形式练习句型,拓展操练。用韵文培养学生的语感,让学生自编韵文开拓他们的思维。Step 5. A task
Look and say.
Watch and think.
Let’s make a story.
Show time.1.Listen and watch the flash.After watching, have them answer my question: What can you see? Is it a box?
2.Ss make their own stories in groups.
3. Ss show their stories in groups.
AssignmentHomeworkFinish your story and share it with your friends.板