How tall are you?
How tall is he/she?及其答语。教 学 重 点How tall are you?
How tall is he/she?及其答语。教 学 难 点学会用英语读数字。教学辅助手段 幻灯片,录音机教 学 过 程Step1. Lead in
Question:-Who is he? -He is…
-What is his job? -He is a/an …
-Is he tall or short? -He is _____.
[设计意图] 通过讨论身高差异引出本课的话题。
Step2. Show the learning objectives.
掌握本课重点单词:metre, bit, ground ,point .
2. 学会运用句型 :
How tall are you?
How tall is he/she?及其答语。
[设计意图] 明确本课学习目标及重难点。
Step3.Learn the new words:
tail,against,metre, bit, ground ,upon,flat ,point .
Read some more numbers.then practice with partners.
[设计意图] 学习音标,准确读出单词,为学习课文做好铺垫。
A: How tall are you?
B: I am ...meters tall.
Listen and match ,practice the sentence structures..
[设计意图] 提高学生听的技能.
Step 5. Reading
Listen and imitate
[设计意图] 跟读课文,模仿语音语调,了解课文的大概内容。
(2)Let's recite
[设计意图] 通过背诵Part 1,加强学生对本课重难点句型的运用。
Let's chant!