1. 预设和对话有关的问题,让学生带着问题去学习、去体验。
2. 使用小组合作学习并开展竞赛的方式,激发学生的好胜心,培养他们的合作能力。
1. CAI课件;
2. pictures of some vegetables and colorful t-shirts
StepⅠ.Class opening ( 2minutes )
T: Yesterday we learned how to ask ways. I’d like to share where you want to go this weekend. And how are you going there? By bike? By bus? Or by train?
T: Well done! Guess, where am I going? And how? I’m going to the supermarket. Let’s see what’s happening at the supermarket.展示超市的图片及本课标题Lesson 32:At the Supermarket!
[ 设计思路:复习了昨天学习的关于问路以及交通方式的表达后,自然地引入到去超市的话题,达到了“温故而知新”的目的。]
Step Ⅱ. New concepts (30 minutes )
1.Look and guess!
Show the picture of Mrs. Li at the supermarket. Ask Ss to talk about what they can see and ask students to guess what Mrs. Li is going to buy.
[ 设计思路:由于图片给人一种很直观的感觉,因此,用Mrs. Li在超市的图片引导课文内容的呈现较为自然,给学生一种先入为主的感觉,在后面的回答问题环节,也不会感到难以入手。]
2. Learn the new words.
Teacher will show students some pictures at the supermarket. Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the questions, “Can you describe them? Yes, I think you know all of them. But what’s the English for these things? Now let’s learn how to read the words: fresh,follow,count,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty, ninety, hundred.”
[ 设计思路:运用探究式学习方法,给学生设置一些悬念,让学生带着好奇心去学习新词汇,比直接教授的效果好。]
3.Language points learning.
教师使用超链接的方式播放视频At the supermarket. 在图文并茂的画面展示之后,让学生自己先找出重点句子,大家讨论看看是否找得准确。然后教师在屏幕上呈现以下句子:They are next to the carrots. I’ll take it. No problem. 教师请同学们先试着翻译并且解释其中的语言点, 然后呈现以下转换方式:next to = beside;take = buy; No problem. = You are welcome. Teacher will explain the usages and ask the students to make sentences using them.
[ 设计思路:呈现课文中的原句后,让学生找到其中的难点,教师再给予帮助、点拨,最后让学生用语言点造句,可以说是循序渐进的学习过程。]
4. Can you read the text?
教师使用超链接的方式播放一遍课文的朗读,然后以静音的方式再次播放,让学生自己朗读。教师可告诉学生:“I have a good surprise for all of you if you can read the text very well.”在学生顺利完成任务之后,教师用开放的花朵作为对同学们的鼓励。
[ 设计思路:第一次课文的播放是在起示范作用,给学生输入正确的读音,第二次是让学生发挥自己的能动性,在读课文中进一步熟悉课文内容。教师设置给同学们意外惊喜的悬念,能很好地激发同学们的好奇心,从而促进同学们的学习欲望。]
5. Game time!
学生跟随Danny 数数。Students follow Danny to count the numbers, then students will count the numbers from one to one hundred as quickly as possible.然后教师提问: Who is the best at math? 然后展示数学题目,在规定时间内看看哪个小组最快给出正确答案,输者将被惩罚合唱一首英语歌曲。
[ 设计思路:游戏环节,不仅仅是巩固所学的英语数字方面的词汇,也是对学生们数学知识的小测试,这样跨学科知识的链接,能较好地调节课堂气氛;同时,小组竞赛贯穿始终,提高了同学们的竞争意识,增强了团队协同作战的凝聚力;另外,奖惩制度对学生学习积极性的提高有一定的督促作用。]
6. Let’s do it!