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冀教2011课标版(衔接三年级起点)《Lesson 28 How Do I Learn English?》精品教案下载-濮阳市优质课

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四、 Teaching procedure

Step 1: Lead in

T: Today we will have an English competition. I have some gift for you. The first group and second group can get them . This lesson will be very exciting . Are you ready?

Step 2: Required Questions(必答题)

T: They are required questions.

(The students spell the new words one by one. Give the student the mark according to his level )

Step 3: Risk Questions (风险题)

T: I give you Chinese of one phrase, you try to stand up and say it.)

T:查词典 S: look…up in a dictionary

Step 4: Quick Response Questions(抢答题)

T: Today we have a new friend . She will introduce herself. Try to know more. Then you introduce her or him to us.(One student of our class read the first paragragh.)

Step 5:

T: Do you know how to learn English well? Today some super stars come here to help us. Let’s see the first super star.(薛之谦)

Listen to a passage and answer three questions.

How does he learn English?

What does he read?

If he doesn’t understand any words, what will he do?

Step 6:

T : The next star…. S: zhaoLiying

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Look at the words and phrases , then guess how she learns English.

English TV shows

every Sunday evening

watch English movies

help a lot

enjoy myself

learn English

at the same time

S: Watch English TV shows and movies! Every Sunday evening, I watch English movies. It helps a lot. I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time.( the third paragragh)

Step 7:Show a picture (迪丽热巴)

T: She is so busy. So she sent us a letter. Let’s read it and answer the two questions.


