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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section B下载详情
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2. Grammar:1). The comparative and superlative degrees of

monosyllabic adverbs(I); 2).Object clauses with if/whether;

3.Learn how to make a sandwich and describe the making process correctly.

Difficult points:Make a sandwich and describe the process in English correctly.

Teaching aids: Computer multimedia projector, PPT, videos, bread, butte, some fruit, a knife, honey and so on.

Teaching Procedures:

Stage 1 Warm-up

Grouping: Team Bread, Team Butter, Team Honey, Team Pear

Greeting and guessing:

T: Hello, Team..., nice too meet you! How are you(doing)?

T: Look, a box.What’s in the box? Guess! (Some fruit in the box.)

Teacher shows Fruit Salad.

Stage 2 Lead in

T: Our friend, Michael, prefers snacks(出示snack单词卡,以及各种小吃图片)。 What’s Michael’s favorite snack and how does he make it? Now listen to the audio.

Stage 3 Presentation

1.Listen to 1a and choose the right answer.

2.Learn new words and phrases: pear; butter; bread; a piece of;cut...into small pieces

3.Listen again, and finish 1b.

Stage 4 Practice and drills (1a)

Dialogue One

(Kangkang: What’s your favorite snack,Michael?......Finally, put the pieces of bread together.)

Let’s do it one by one.

Listen and repeat.

Retell the dialogue according to some key words.

Activity: Make a sandwich in groups and describe the process in English.

(A: My favorite snack is a sandwich with a pear/banana,butter and honey.Let me tell you how to make it.First,...;Next,...;Then,...;After that, ...;Finally,...)

Dialogue Two

(Kangkang: Would you mind if......Practice makes perfect.)

T:Who did best of all,Kangkang, Jane or Michael?

Learn Grammar One: Comparative and Superlative Degree of Adverbs(I)