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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级下册Lesson 38 Stay Healthy!下载详情

七年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年12月第1版)《Lesson 38 Stay Healthy!》公开课教案下载-秦皇岛市优质课

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Teaching Resources: recorder , multimedia

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Class Opening


T: Good morning, class. How are you today?

Does everyone feel awake ?

Did everyone get a good night’s sleep?

Sleep is very important .So is exercise.

2. Review some of the key importance from Lesson 37.

Step2 New Concepts

1.Leading in :T: Can you guess what this lesson is about

Help the students answer the question.

Write the word “exerc ise “on the blackboard. .We can exercise our body and we can exercise our own minds. The two work together.. Write about Mind and body on the blackboard.. Let the students talk about them.  

T: There is an old sa ying in English. A healthy body is a healthy mind.. If you don’ t exercise ,you mind and body will get weak. So, we should use our mind and our body.

2Listen .1)Play the tape for Lesson 38.

2)Play the tape a second time and all the students to complete Ex1.

3)Check the answer as a class.

3.Read.1) Instruct the students to read Lesson 38and do Ex2.

2)Check and correct the answer

4.Practice: pair work. Let the students do Ex3and Ex4.

1) Instruct students to complete it in pairs.

2)Walk around the class, check the answers.

5.Language points.

Step 3:Let’sDo It。Do Ex4.

1)Ask the stude nts complete the table and make their own weekly exercise schedule

2) Check the answers as a class.

3) Ask some v olunteers to tell the class about their exercise schedule.

Step4Class closing

Assign homework

Write a paragraph about your favorite form of physical exercise.


