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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级上册Lesson 18 Li Ming’s Birthday下载详情
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1. I love the ____ you gave me, Jenny.

A. cap B. shoe C. jacket

2. ______is my favouritecolour.

A. Red B. Yellow C. Green

3. Every time I wear the cap, I will think of____.

A. Jenny B. Danny C. Li Ming

4.They invited________

A. my friends and my cousin B. my uncles and aunts

C. my grandparents D. A, B, and C

5. My mother bought a delicious birthday cake ,with ______ candles.

A.12 B.13 C.14

Step 5:Read the text , fill in the blanks then translate

Li Ming loves the jacket from Jenny . The style is _____ ____ in China. The jacket fits Li Ming ____ _____. Li Ming also loves the cap from Danny . He will ____ ____ Danny when he wears it. Li Ming’s parents held a party for his birthday.They ate long noodles . His mother bought balloons and a birthday cake .When it was time for dessert. She ____ ____ the lights and his father carried the cake into the room . Li Ming made ___ ____.Then he ____ ____ _____ _____ and _____ ___the candles. They were so happy.

Step6:How did you celebrate your birthday ?

Talk about it in groups.

Write and show in the front

My Birthday : when ﹨where﹨who﹨ how to celebrate(what to eat ,sing a birthday song ....)

Step 7:A test

Fill in the blanks

The style is still in f ______.

He took a deep b_______ and blew it out.

Many _______(thank) for the presents.

Please ________(关) the lights.It’s time for bed.

The wind _______ (吹灭)the candles on the desk.


Writing “My Birthday”


