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冀教2011课标版(衔接三年级起点)《Lesson 19 The Best Neighbourhood》新课标教案下载-攀枝花市优质课

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2、Encouragement and praise.

3.“Task-based” teaching method.教学过程Teaching process教学环节

Teaching stepsStep1.Lead-in

Show some neighbourhoods’ pictures, let the students think about the questions:

1. Do you like your neighbourhood? Why or why not?

For example :I love my neighbourhood because it’s beautiful.It’s the perfect neighbourhood.

2.Is this your perfect neighbourhood?

3. What ’ s in your perfect neighbourhood?

Step 2.Presentation

Show some pictures about the neighbourhood and street buildings and talk about with Ss.Let the students think about:

1.What’s in the neighbourhood?

2.Why do I need these places?

My purpose is to show the beautiful pictures with the multi-media to attract the Ss’ attention and make the Ss take an active part in speaking English, so that they have more interests in learning this lesson.

Step 3. Listening

Listen to the lesson twice , then write down what’s in Li Ming and Wang Mei’s neighbourhood?

My purpose is to help develop the Ss’ listening abilities.

Step 4.Reading

1.Fast reading?

Get the Ss to read the text silently and quickly, then answer the questions.

1. What are Li Ming and Wang Mei doing?

2. Who drew three bookstores?

3. Did Li Ming draw a corner store?

2. Careful reading

1. Why does Li Ming need a big park?

2. Why does Wang Mei draw a market ?

3. Do they like their neighbourhood?

Get the Ss to read the text loudly and carefully,pay attention to the important phrases and sentences.

My purpose is: I use “Fast reading” method to let the Ss get the general ideas of the text and “Careful reading” method to let the Ss get the detailed information of the text. They help develop the Ss’ reading abilities.

Step5 Activities

Make your own neighbourhood!

