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九年级全一册(衔接三年级起点)(2014年5月第1版)《Lesson 20 Say It in Five》集体备课教案下载-许昌市优质课

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2.Learn to read the poem in English to their deskmates.Arouse students’ interest in learning English poemsStep2

Before readingAsk students to work in pairs and discuss the question: Do Chinese poems follow a pattern?Help students to understand the patterns of Chinese poems before learning English pomes.Step 3

While readingTask 1: reading (1)

Get the students to read the text carefully and answer the following four questions:

1.Who created the five-line poem? When did he create it?

2. How many words does the fourth line have?

3. Where is your topic in a five-line poem?

4. What can you write in the fourth line?

Task 2: reading (2)

Get the students to read the text again and finish Ex.1 in Let’s Do It.

Task 3: In pairs, learn the three five-line poems in the text by themselves.

Task 4: In groups, discuss the language points in this lesson.

To improve students’ reading abilities

Step 4

Post reading1.Get them to retell the passage in pairs according to the key words on the PPT , then invite some students to retell for the whole class.

2. Write a five-line poem by themselves and show it to their deskmates.

3. Invite four students to write their own poem on the blackboard for students to enjoy.

To improve students’ speaking English and writing skills.

To consolidate what they have learned in this lesson.Step 5 Summary Encourage students to work hard , maybe in the future, they might be great poets.Emotional educationStep6 Homework1.Finish their poems;

2.Search the Internet and find their favorite English poems to share it in the next class.Develop their writing skills and get them to learn more.Reflection after class
