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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 25 Let’s Do an Experiment!下载详情
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②I am so sure of my theory that Brian can do the experiment over your head and I know you won’t get wet.

③It is strong enough to hold the water.

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching method, experiment

Teaching tools

A jar, a piece of cardboard, some water, multi-media

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming up and leading in

Show a picture and ask” what are they doing?”

Have you ever done any experiment?

In which subject do you often do experiments?

Do you like to do experiments?

Step 2: Presentation

New words

Use pictures and real things to teach the new words.

Read the dialogue and write down the materials that we need.

Listen to the tape and put the sentences in the correct order.

Read it again and answer questions in “Let’s do it! No.1”

Step 3: Practice

Let the students say the steps and the teacher does the experiment.

Ask the students to do the experiment in groups.

Invite some groups to do the experiment in front of the class.

Step 4: Production

Make a conclusion of the experiment.

Fill in the scientific method worksheet.

Do an experiment report.

Step 5: Finish the exercises in PPT.

Step 6: Summary

Step 7:Homework

Do the experiment by using less water, more water, wet cardboard, or different kinds of sizes of jars.

