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Teaching tools: PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: leading in

1. Greeting.

2. Ask the students to answer the following questions:

What are you going to be when you grow up?

Who are you going to invite if you have a birthday party?

Why do you want to get a good education?

Are you good friends whenever you go?

3.Ask the students to tell what type of sentences they are and what the complex

setence is.

4.Let the students tell what is adverbial clause and how many types of adverbial clause there are.

Step 2: Presentation

After choosing the correct answers, ask the students to summarize the use of adverbial clause.

Adverbial clause of time:

Conjunctions: when,while ,as, after, before, until, till, as soon as, since.

(Pay attention to the tense)

I will go to bed ___ I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while

I was singing ___ Mary was dancing. A. until B. when C. while

(3) He has worked here ___ he graduated. A. as B as soon as C. since

2. Adverbial clause of reason:

Conjunctions: because, as, since.

(1) We stayed at home ___ it rained. A. because B. since C. so

(2) ___ everyone is here ,let’s start. A. Because B. Since C. So

3. Adverbial clause of condition:

Conjunctions: if, unless ,as long as. (Pay attention to the tense)

(1) ___ it doesn’t rain, we’ll go swimming tomorrow. A.After B. When C.If

(2) I won’t go to the party ___ I am invited. A. if B. unless C. before

4. Adverbial clause of purpose:

Conjunctions: so that, in order that .
