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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级上册Unit 1 I always like birthday parties.下载详情
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ⅢTeaching aims

1. To get to know the adverbs of frequency.

2. To understand conversations involving “Daming’s birthday”.

3. To be able to describe what people do on their birthday

ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: card, party, present, would, always, great, cake, never, special, eat, give, sing, happy, secret

Key structures: 1) Would you like to come to my birthday party?

2) I always like birthday parties.

3) What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party?

4) My mother never makes a birthday cake.

5) We sometimes give birthday cards.

ⅤTeaching aids

Tape recorder, video

ⅥTeaching Steps

Step 1 Duty report

Step 2 Warming-up

Show Yao Ming’s birthday, and according to his job, choose him birthday presents.

(Groupwork)Do a survey about teachers’ and team members’ birthdays and sing a birthday song for someone whose birthdays are in December(上课当时刚好12月).

Step 4 New lessons about the birthday and using the adverbs of frequency.

Make phrases about birthday with the verbs.

Make sentences about birthday with the phrases.

To get to know the adverbs of frequency.

Say what you always / usually / often / never do on your birthday.(Groupwork)

Step 5 New lessons

Match the words with the pictures. (Activity 1)

2. Listening practice. (Activity 2)

1. Make sure the students understand the symbols they must use to complete the chart

2. Ask the students to listen to the recording and check the answer

3. listen and choose the right answers.( teach the listening skills) (Activity 3)

4. listen again and fill in the blanks. (teach how to do fill in the information) (Activity 3)

