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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section B下载详情
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二、Skill aims:

1. 能听懂接近正常语速、涉及购买和谈论服装的语段,回答教师提出的问题。

2. 能引出购买和谈论服装的话题并进行简单的交谈。

3. 能写出简单的关于购买服装的对话。

三、Emotional aims:

1. 热爱服装文化。

2. 引导他们积极参与班级和学校的活动。

3. 树立正确的审美观和价值观。

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

一、Key points:

1. 学习…so that…和such … that…的用法。

2. 谈论购买衣服的话题。

二、Difficult points:

比较并掌握so… that…,…so that…和such… that…的用法。

Ⅳ. Learning strategies

1. 集中记忆同类别的词汇。

2. 积极参与课内外英语学习活动。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Computer multimedia projector, the tape recorder, pictures( a leather jacket, a blue windbreaker ,a pretty girl)and a report.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

一、Warm-up and review(4 minutes)

1. Greet students and make them ready for learning.

2. Review the words of Section A by playing a fast response game.

Show the pictures on PPT. If students know the word , stand up quickly and say the word. Then he/she can get one point for his/her group.

(此复习环节用快速反应的游戏复习Section A 的单词,调动了课堂气氛也提高了学生参与复习的积极性。)

二、Presentation (10 minutes)

1.Present three pictures to teach the new words, phrases and sentences.

(1)Picture one: a leather jacket (teach the new words: leather and size; sentences: What size do you wear/take?—Size S/M/L/XL.)

(2)Picture two: a windbreaker with two big pockets ( teach the new words: windbreaker, pocket and handsome.)

(3)Picture three: a pretty girl (teach the new word: pretty)