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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级上册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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This is my family. These are my parents. My father is a worker and he can play basketball.This is my family. These are my parents. My father is a teacher and he can speak English.This is my family. This is my father. My father is a factory worker and he can make cars. This is my mother. My mother is a doctor and she can make you healthy.2 Look at the pictures. Say what Daming and you can do and can't do.

What do you see on page 12 in the middle? Yes, six pictures. In the pictures you see Daming. Now look at the pictures. Say what Daming and you can do and can't do.

1 Can Daming play football? Yes, he can.

I can’t play football.

2 Can Daming swim? No, he can’t.

I can swim.

3 Can Daming ride a bike? No, he can’t.

I can ride a bike.

4 Daming can’t speak English.

I Can’t speak English. We can’t speak English.

5 We can speak Chinese.

6 We can play table tennis. Vocabulary

3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

At the bottom of page 12, there are eight pictures. Under each of the picture there is an uncompleted sentence. Now look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

She can swim.

She can play the piano. He can play tennis. She can ride a bike. They can play football.

He can ride a horse. They can play table tennis. They can play basketball.4 Match the jobs with the work places.

Boys and girls, what am I? You are right. I am a teacher. Where do I work? You are correct. I work at a school.

Now match the six jobs with the six work places.

1 factory worker→ factory 2 manager → hotel 3 student → university

4 secretary → office 5 teacher → school 6 doctor → hospitalA factory worker works at a factory. A manager works at a hotel.

A student works at a university. A secretary works at an office.

A teacher works at a school. A doctor works at a hospital.Around the world

I am Chinese. I speak Chinese. But here, at school, we learn and speak English. There are many languages in the world. To know more the world languages, let’s go to page 13. Look at the Around the world, please.

Module task → Giving and asking for personal information

5 Work in pairs.Ask and answer.

To practice what we learn this week, we shall go to page 13 and work in pairs to ask answer the following questions.

I ---What’s your name? ---My name’s Li Hua.

2 ---How old are you? ---I’m 13 years old.

3 ---Where are you from? ---I’m from Beijing.

