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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级上册Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.下载详情
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2. Ask the Ss “what can you see in the pictures?”.Look at the pictures carefully and talk about the pictures.通过观察和谈论图片,可以培养学生的观察能力以及学习有关教室设备的一些英文单词。为下面的听力活动做好铺垫工作。While-

listeningListen to the dialogue in Activity 2Play the tape and ask the Ss to circle the number and choose the correct picture

Listen to the tape and then circle the number and choose the correct picture.短听力内容可以加强学生对数字和教室设备的敏感度,并初步感知到There be ...句型,能够为后面的长对话听力打下基础。First –listening to the Activity 3 1. Ask the Ss to predict what may mentioned in Linda and Daming’s talking.

2. Play the tape and ask “What are mentioned in their dialogue?” 1. Predict the things Linda and Daming may mentioned.

2 .Listen to the dialogue and then answer the question.让学生听前进行相关的预测有利于后面听力的顺利进行。通过第一遍听听关键词大致了解听力对话所谈到的内容。Second

-listening to the Activity 31. Ask the Ss to listen the dialogue and the finish the chart about Linda’s class.

2. Lead the Ss to check the answers with their partners.1. Listen to the tape and then finish the chart.

2. Check the answers with the partner by using the sentence structures.通过在听力完成表格信息可以锻炼提高学生的听力能力。学生之间核对答案并且运用老师给定的句型可以让学生们在具体交流中运用句型。Third-

listening to the Activity 3 1. Ask the Ss to listen the dialogue and the finish the chart about Daming’s class.

2. Check the answers with their partners.1. Listen to the tape and then finish the chart.

2. Check the answers with the partner by using the sentence structures.通过第三次听力能够让学生更清楚地理解对话内容和细节为后面的输出做好准备。Post-listening 1. Guide the Ss to read the dialogue and the dub for it.

2. Guide the Ss to retell the dialogue.

3. Play a game with “there be…” sentences and ask students to judge

true or false.

4.Find the differences1. Read the dialogue and the dub for it.

2. Try to retell the dialogue.

3. Judge the true and false sentences by saying “yeah, yeah, yeah and no, no, no”.

4.Find the differences听后环节由易到难,形式多样。有利于学生接受和维持学生的课堂学习热情。Homework1. Do the survey in Activity 7 with your partner.

2. Surf the internet to find the classrooms in different countries.

.Do homework.完成家庭作业。

