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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section D下载详情
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Revise the nounse about clothes: skirt jacket hat T-shirt coat raincoat shorts shoes dress and so on.

Revise the phrase: a pair of shorts /shoes

Ways: pointing at the screen, ask the students : what this? It’s a coat?

What are these? They’re shorts.

Step2 presentation

Learn new English words by asking the students:

what’s this? What are these?

New words: costume smooth so……that cotton sick fashion handbag afford tie sweater scarf blouse section sock

Step3 Practice

1. listen to la, then finish 1b

2.Practise so……that finish 1c then change the sentences by “such……that”

3.fill the blanks with “so……that”“so that”“in order that ”such……that.

① I got up early ,

I could catch up with the early bus.


②The park is beautiful people all like playing there.

③This is a beautiful park people all like playing there.

④He spoke English very slowly ,

I could follow him.


⑤The story is interesting we all like it.

⑥It’s an interesting story we all like it.

Step4 Consolidation

1. Look at the pictures, finish ZA

2. Listen to 2B Listen to the sentences and check the words, then number the pictures.

3. Look at the pictures and make conversation.

Let some students act the dialogue.

Step5 Homework

1. Do Section A in Workbooks.

2. Ask the students to bring their family photos and describe the People’s clothes .