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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section D下载详情
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Skill aim: Can understand and make dialog about the shopping

Emotional aims: Clothes are not comparable

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 幻灯片 各种类型的衣物

Ⅲ. Learning strategies

1. 运用实际衣服来学习单词

2.在购物对话中练习“so... that...”、“such...that...”引导的结果状语从句。

3. 大胆开口多操练,不怕出错,把教材所给对话作为模仿的依据。

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Leading-in 第一步 导入

T:From Section A, we know there will be a fashion show in Kangkang’s class. Now Kangkang, Michael, Maria and Jane are buying new clothes in a clothing store. Let’s learn Section B. their conversation about buying clothes.

Step 2 Learning aims第二步 呈现学习目标

T:First let’s look at the learning aims of this class. (屏幕上出示目标)

Step 3 Selfstudy第三步 自主学习

1.New words Learn the new words: pocket, windbreaker , size ,pretty, handsome


2. T:OK. Please read 1a and finish 1b. Write down the names of the clothes, choose the correct pictures for the children.Then we’ll check the answers together.(让学生读1a,根据1a迅速找出1b答案,然后进行核对)。

3. Read 1a carefully again , then finish the following tasks

(1).找出含有“so that”的句子并翻译


(3).找出含有“such …that ”的句子并翻译,尝试转换成“so…that”


(1).I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great.


so that 意为“以便,为的是”,引导目的状语从句; in order to 也有“以便;为的是” 的意思,后接动词原形表目的。 I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus. = I got up very early in order to catch the early bus.

(2)What size… 表示“多大号码”,通常用来询问衣、裤、鞋、帽的尺寸 如:What size are your shoes? size M 意为 “中号”,M是medium(中等的,中间的)的缩写。 size S意为“小号”,S 是small 的缩写。size L 意为“大号”,L 是large的缩写。size XL 意为“特大号”,XL是extra large 的缩写。

(3) It’s such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it at once. 这件风衣如此好看,你应该立即买下来。 such…that…意为“如此…以至于…”,引导结果状语从句,有时可以和so…that…结构互换。 The windbreaker is so cool that you should buy it immediately.

4. Watch the Flash of 1a.

Step 4 Groupwork 第四步 合作练习 情景对话

1.Make a shopping conversation with partners to choose clothes according to 1a.(学生们在小组内分角色练习买衣服的对话)

2.Show time