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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section D下载详情
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3. Emotional aims:

Culture awareness:


Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points:


(2) 理解服装的社会涵义。

2. Difficult points:

(1)区分so that 引导的结果状语从句和目的状语从句。


III. Teaching procedures

Step1.Lead in

1.look at the picture about Pappe Pig and then let students to help them find the treasure.You must finish four tasks.

2.Task1: Memory Game watch a video and answer the questionWhat is CaiXukun wearing today?He is wearing a blue jacket

The jacket is so cool that I want to buy one.

It's such a cool jacket that I want to buy one.引出复习so..that../such..that..的用法

Step 2 Review

1.Finish Task2:review the use of so..that../such ..that../so that

(1).so + ______ + that 从句 如此…以至于…

(2). so +____ + ____ + _____+ that 从句

(3). so + _____/_____/_____/_____+ n. + that 从句

( 1). such + ____ + ___ + ______+ that 从句 (2). such + ____ + __________+ that 从句

so that…. 1. 以便,为了 2. 因此,所以= in order to + V.(原)= in order that 从句2.Do exercise

1.It was _____ fine a day yesterday _____ we all went out for a picnic.

2. She made ____ many mistakes _____she failed the exam again. 3. It’s _____ a cool windbreaker _____ you should buy it at once.

4. I want to buy a windbreaker _______ I will look great.Step3 reanding and speaking

Finish Task3:reading and speaking

I.Fast reading

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.The history of clothes. B.The functions of clothes.C.The styles of clothes. D.The types of clothes.2.Which of the following is true?A.People wore the first types of clothes to show fashion.B.Nowadays, clothes not only keep us warm.C.Clothes can tell what your names are.D.People almost wear the same kind of clothes now.

II.careful reading :finish the mind map