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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.下载详情

七年级下册(2012年10月第1版)《Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.》优质课教案下载-哈尔滨市优课

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To know the Goldilocks Principle

Learning strategies: Jigsaw reading

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media , handout

Teaching procedure:

Part = 1 ﹨* ROMAN I :

Review: Retell the first part of the story according to some pictures and words and expressions.

Brainstorming: Imagine what happened in the next part of the story according to some pictures and words and expressions you are supposed to use.

Match the sentences with the pictures.

1. Goldilocks opened her eyes, jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house.

2. She tried the small chair.

3. The Three Bears returned to their house.

4. Baby Bear cried because there was nothing in his bowl and his chair was in pieces.

5. Baby Bear pointed at Goldilocks. She was asleep in his bed.

Use your body to show the meaning of the words

push---pushed jump---jumped

point---pointed hurry---hurried

shout---shouted return---returned cry---cried

Part = 2 ﹨* ROMAN II :

Jigsaw group:

A. Read your paragraph to your partners and number the paragraphs in the correct order.

B. Answer the questions and make a mind map:

Who was in the story?

Where was goldilocks?

When was the story start?

How to number the paragraphs in the correct order?

6. Expert group:

A. Talk about the passage with your partners and answer the questions.

What did Goldilocks do? (Number 1/2)What did the baby bear do?

(Number3/4 )What did father and mother bear do? (Number5/6 )

B. Circle the words that are past tense and pay more attention to them

