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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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= 2 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ii . Students can improve their writing and speaking;

= 3 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT iii . Students will be able to talk about their favourite writers and great books with the target language.

Emotional aims = 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Students will learn to know the importance of reading;

= 2 ﹨* roman ii . Students’ awareness of cooperation and competition will be fostered. = 4 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT IV . Key points = 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Students can remember the past forms of the verbs;

= 2 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ii . Students can know how to describe great writers using the limited knowledge.

Module 9 Life history

Unit 3 Language in use

= 5 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT V . Difficult points = 1 ﹨* roman i .Students can use the past forms of verbs;

= 2 ﹨* roman ii . Students should know how to describe their favourite writers with the target language.

= 6 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT VI . Teaching type Language in use = 7 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT VII . Teaching model Communicative approach, situational teaching method

= 8 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT VIII . Teaching aidsMulti-media, a blackboard, some materials.

= 9 ﹨* ROMAN ﹨* MERGEFORMAT IX . Teaching procedures


Teacher’s activitiesSs’ activitiesPurposes

Step 1

Warm-up = 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Lead-in. Talk about some great book and great writers;

= 2 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ii . Warm-up

Watch the picture and talk about Shakespeare.

= 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Talk about their favourite writers and books.

= 2 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ii . Say something about the experience of the writers.

= 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Help them go over the lessons that we have learned.

= 2 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ii . Let students know the points we will learn like how to describe people and master the forms of verbs.

Step 2

Pre- language in use part

= 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Free talk.

Show the students the writer called Shakespeare. And provide some information about him.

Especially give them the verbs and some main points.

= 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . Look at the chart and the table, and discuss the writer’s life history. For example, where was he born? What did he do in …? And then what happened to him?...

= 1 ﹨* roman ﹨* MERGEFORMAT i . To encourage them to use the information provided to introduce people in the past. To help them know about the past forms of the verbs.


