Step 2. Grammar summary:
Step 3.Talk about different people’s life history.
Have a brief revision of Mark Twain and William Shakespeare.
Compete the sentences about Betty’s life.
Share my father’s past life.(先让学生独立完成,再小组核对答案,然后以小组展示的方式全班核对答案,最后齐读。)
Talk about Tony’s father’s past life. (先独立完成,再小组核对答案,然后以小组展示的方式全班核对答案,最后以对话形式朗读对话。)
5. Introduce a famous people-Deng Yaping and know more about her life history. (1). 利用思维导图的年份及动词短语提示,让学生说出一个完整的句子。2). 限时15秒速记其个人信息,以图片提示和填空形式检测。)
Step 3. Writing about people when they were young.
Find o ut abo ut your parents’ or grandparents’ past life.
◆When and where were you born?
◆Did you move to a place? When did you move there?
◆When did you start school?
◆When did you begin work?
◆When did you marry? And how many children did you have?(作为前置预习,让他们提前对父母或祖父母过去的生活进行了采访并做好相关信息记录。)
2. Write a ti meline for your parents’ or your grandparents’ life. Write notes about their life on the timeline.21·m
3. Write a short paragraph about the timeline and the notes. Begin with: This is my,,,.He/she was born,,,.
4. Presentation about your writing:
Step 4. Have a short summary about this class.
Step 5. Choose the best,better and good groups in this class.