= 3 ﹨* GB3 ③ ask some WH questions about the postcard
= 1 ﹨* GB3 ① Choose the correct form of the verb
= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② Learn the new words according to the word card
= 3 ﹨* GB3 ③ read the postcard and understand it
= 4 ﹨* GB3 ④ answer the teacher’s WH questions = 1 ﹨* GB3 ① 通过希沃分享让学生在手机或pad上玩选词填空游戏,让学生有个别词的动词过去式的学习过渡到语篇中动词过去式的使用,同时游戏提升学生学习兴趣。
= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② 通过希沃白板生成的单词卡片练习新的单词朗读和词义。
Step Two
Grammar希沃白板的时间胶囊Share the code of the micro-course about the rules of past simple wh-questions Watch the micro-course 希沃白板的时间胶囊功能录制一般过去时特殊疑问句的微课,讲解其构成规律,二维码图片分享使用,学生在理解不充分之处,可以利用微课随时随处暂停及重播进行反复学习,直至理解透彻为止
。白板Let students do some exercise about the rules :
My brother left his homework at home.
They went to the zoo by bus .
He was sad because he didn’t pass the exam. Do the exercise : try to use the rule of the micro-course .
用划线提问的方式聚焦本课的语法, 让学生在实际使用过程中关注特殊疑问词的选择, 助动词和动词的变化, 从而将微课中学习的知识进行沉淀转化为已有知识。 Step Three
Using希沃白板转盘游戏,一般过去时特殊疑问句对话练习Make a dialogue with a students by the WH questions
Play the turntable and choose the students to make the dialogue Ask and answer the dialogue with the WH questions
Act out the dialogue 教师示范后学生进行对话练习,然后通过转轮来随机抽取学生进行对话展示
Step Four
Writing 希沃白板的思维导图为学生展示写作的基本框架Show the word map to introduce what the students should write in their composition Talk about what should write in the composition from Where ﹨When ﹨Who ﹨What ﹨Why ﹨How 思维导图能够清晰的向学生介绍关于WH问题都可以从哪些方面入手,学生了解了写什么之外, 还要学会如何评价一篇文章,引导学生学会从“结构正确、人称准确、语言精确、详略得当首尾呼应、情感丰富来对文章进行评价希沃白板超级链接Show the emails about holiday journey from students and let the ss assess the email Read the email and assess the email 通过电子邮件展示学生没有被指导过地作文,让学生根据文章评价标准进行点评, 给出修改意见。Give students about 7minutes to rewrite the email on the exercise paper = 1 ﹨* GB3 ① discuss in group to find the mistake or limitation of the email
= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② correct the email by themselves = 1 ﹨* GB3 ① 小组讨论所给的两篇emails 中存在不足的地方, 以及改正的意见
= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② 选学案中一篇 an email about a holiday journey 进行修改希沃白板同屏功能Let students comment the writing that has been shown in class Try go give opinions about the writing that was shown in class . = 1 ﹨* GB3 ① 提醒学生写作时的读者意识
③引导学生正确的评价他人的作品Step Five
Homework 白板 Show the homework to students Focus on the requirement of the homework 总结本课重点所学内容, 并提升德育教育课件内容形式与来源希沃白板的课堂游戏、时间胶囊微课程、学生旅行视频、课件所用图片均授课人自行完成。
课后反思本堂课通过核心问题How do you feel about your holiday journey ?通过问题链的形式引导学生建立起一般过去时WH问题意识,通过课堂分类游戏,让学生学会动词一般过去式的变化规律,通过选词填空游戏让学生在语境中正确使用动词过去式。通过时间胶囊微课解决一般过去时WH问题的规律,通过转轮对话练习巩固WH问题, 本课重点的教学内容如同抽丝剥茧一样一层层的解决了, 针对教学难点的一篇关于旅行的邮件的创作,也是在语言渗透的基础上通过建立正确的写作评价标准, 进行现场初步点评, 再进行小组合作点评修改, 最后再呈现、再点评,多个环节层层低级的方法进行突破。 课堂气氛活跃,学习氛围自主且民主,学习效果显