2、ask students to check their answers with their partners
1. Ask students to read the questions in activity 2 and answer them in pairs before they read the passage.
2. Elicit the possible answers and write them on th e blackboard.
1. Tell students to read the passage and answer the questions individually.
2. Play the recording, students listen and check.
1. Ask students to read the passage again and do the exercise in activity 3.
2. Explain the language points.1、Look at the pictures in activity 1 and label the parts of the body with the words in the box.
2、ask students to give their answers.
1. Discuss the questions with their partners and give the possible answers.
2. Ask several students to write their answers on the blackboard.
1. Read the passage and answer the questions individually.
2. listen to the tape and check the answers.
3. Elici t answers in pairs and check with the previous answers on the board.
1. Students to read the passage again to find the answers on their own. They can underline key information while reading. Then finish activity 3.
2. Take notes.1、it’s very easy, so just few students don’t know the answer.
2、some students may give the wrong answers.
1. some students may give the wrong answers.
1. Some students can’t understand the passage.
1. Some students may find that their answers are different with their classmates.1、the teacher can give the answers and teach students the words about the parts of the body.
Ask other students to give their answers.
The teacher explain the passage sentence by sentence.
To go back to the passage again if their answers are different.板书设计1. People do different things in different countries.2. It's polite to ... in... 3. How to be a polite student? 4. Talk about your class rules.教学反思 这个模块主要是学习肢体语言的有关常识。通过这一系列的活动,充分调动了学生的动手,动口,动脑,以及 小组合作学习 能力,让他们得以全身心地投身于老师所安排的各项活动中,并能在活动中展示自我,表现自我。从而真正达到了寓教于乐, 玩中学 ,学中玩的教学效果。这节课后,绝大部分学生能够牢固掌握所学基础知识,并能自如地运用基本句型进行交际。