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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Revision module B下载详情
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②compare the facts of passages with the options of questions correcly;

③complete the reading tasks about detail understanding well.

Ability aims:

Most students will be able to

① develop reading skills with the using reading material;

② know how to get right answer about detail reading through analizing and comparing;

③ use the reading skills they learn from this lesson well.

Moral aim:

After this lesson, the students will develop their interest in reading and cherish the special

sentibility between friends,families,classmates and teachers.


Key Points:

①Reading skills: how to compare the facts of passages with the options of questins correcly.

② understand and enjoying the passages with the teachers’ hints and reading activitis.


Difficult Point:

How to get the differences between the facts of passages with the options of questins through comparing when they meet high level readng questions.

教学过程教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图技术应用时间安排Step1 Warming-up 1.Greeting with the whole class and encourage them : recently I heard many teachers say the students in Grade Nine are really great! Especially Class 2,they are very active .And this lesson I’ll discover if it is true.

2. Do a simple survey with the students to raise the reading activities.1.listen to the teacher carefully.

2. Answer the surwey and learn the new words.教学内容相对较难,适当的热身能使学生放松下来,减少紧张情绪,而且还能为阅读篇目的导入和学习创设良好情景。ppt出示图片导入提出问题教学主题2’Step 2

Reading the first passage.1. Lead -in:

Introduce the the teacher’s troubles: I only have several friends,how can I make more friends.

2.Fast-reading;Raise questions to help students understand the passage: How many ideas are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

3.Detail reading:

Show them the question:Which of the sentences shows a ture skill in

making friends?

A. Learning to laugh at your own good points.

B. Trying to make others accept your ideas.

C. Doing hundreds of little things to show kindness.

D. Learning to accept or change bad things instead of

