Step 1. Lead in
1. Ask student which country they’d like to visit? Then show a short video about Britain to lead in England. Show a map of England and ask students about the location of the places. Students learn to express the location with “in the east/ west/ south/ north… of England”.
2. Ask students to read the title. Then guess what we’ll learn from the passage. Put their ideas on the Blackboard to see if their predictions are right.
Step 2.While-reading
Skimming for structure
Students read and match the headlines with the paragraphs.
Then teacher shows the structures and asks students to choose the right structure of the passage.
Scanning for details
Students read Para 1 and Para 2 to complete the chart in Activity 3. Teacher asks them to check the answers by working in pairs to ask and answer about the information of Cambridge and London. Then compare the two cities.
Students read Para 3 and Para 4 to tell if the statements are true or false with the evidence in the passage.
Retelling the passage
Students complete the chart with the information of England and then work in group to retell the whole passage. Then finish activity 4.
Step 3. Post-reading.
Discuss if Tony likes his hometown and find the evidences in the passage.
Compare Chongqing with London with “… than…; as… as…”.
Learn the saying, “East, west, home is the best.”
Step 4. Mind-map
Analyze the way of Tony’s writing about his hometown.
Finish drawing the mind-map to introduce our hometown Chongqing.
Step 5. Writing
Tell students Professor Larson and Dr. Murray from MIT will visit our school next week and we’ll give a speech to welcome them and introduce Chongqing to them.
Students write a speech and then give their speeches in front of the whole class.
Step 6. Homework
Ask students to write a passage to introduce their home town like Activity 6 after class.
不足的是:复述课文和写作的时间留的较少,导致学生们小组活动中个体间的衔接不很流畅,有些语言组织不到位。个别学生完不成写作任务,结尾稍显仓促。在今后的备课中, 应注意时间的合理安排,把更多的时间留给学生。