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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Review of Units 7-8下载详情
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“动态教授语法技能”“让学生在交际中动态的理解语法技能” 即在交际中实现动态语法教学,让学生掌握在生活中运用现在进行时的基本技能。



(1.了解现在进行时的概念和用法。2. adj+n 3. be+adj. 4.It is +adj.to do)

(二) 技能与方法

To generalize the three dimensions of adj.

To be able to practice the grammar in different communication.

3. 语法教学过程图: <<新课标>>“体验-归纳-控制运用-自由运用”

(三) 情感态度与价值观

1. To cultivate students’ interest of grammar and feel more confident in English.

2. To build the skill of using the adjectives in our real life, and get the happiness because of using to express the students themselves.教学方法1. Dynamism Grammar Approach and Heuristic Principle Teaching

3. Situational Approach and Activity Approach 学法



教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动设计意图Step 1 Warming up(7 mins) 1.Present a teacher-composed song. 2.Design an Answer Race Competition about adj. 3. Produce movie ? dubbing about the story of Snow White.

1.Sing the song together. 2.Fill in the blanks. 3. Enjoy the small movie.

1.设计学生感兴趣的动画和小视频,让学生从头脑风暴中感知进入语言知识的环境。Step 2

Before revision

(3 mins)1. Divide the students into 6 groups.

2. Present a listening material

3. Design an Answer Race Competition about the above questions in groups.1. Be active in the Answer Race Competition, and guess the missing parts very quickly, and try to get stickers for their groups.

2. Listening and fill in the blanks.1.通过听和说来感知语言现象。

Step 3

While revision

(12 mins)Give out task 1-7.Ask students to summary the form, meaning and pragmatic of the grammar after finishing different kinds of consolidating exercises.

Create some situations and cultivate the students to participate.

Sing a self-made song, some half-open blanks, and ask them to learn and filling the blanks.1. Summary the form, meaning and pragmatic of the grammar after some tasks.