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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级上册Unit 2 The Grand Cayon was not just big.下载详情
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IV Teaching Steps

Step 1 Free talk

Can you remember the wonders what we have learnt yesterday ?

Now let`s look at some beautiful pictures about another wonder. The Grand Canyon.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Introduce the new words.

2. Read the words after the teacher.

Step 3 Work in pairs.

1. Talk about a great natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you.

below deep fantas tic high long natural shine sign silent silver

Teacher gives an example of Changjiang River.Step 4 Reading.

Fast reading.

Look at the flash carefully and read fast, then do “true or false”.

True or false.

1. When I arrived, the weather was sunny and hot.

2. I went to the wrong way at first.

3. The Colorado River was nearly three miles below me.

4. Finally, I loo ked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon went far away for more than 200 miles.

Keys: F F F T

Careful reading.

Ask the students to read the passage one by one.

Then answer some questions , explain the passage and complete the table.

The Grand CanyonHow deep Nearly one mile.How wideAbout fifteen miles How longMore than 200 milesStep 5 Language points

1. I got ou t of t he car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path.


go through 通过,穿过;经历

e.g. The rain has gone through my coat.

The country has gone through too many wars.

拓展:go 相关词组

go abroad 出国
