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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级上册Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.下载详情
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22. 收到……的来信____________ 23. 在过去____________ 24. 获取信息____________

25. 成千上万的____________ 26. 存储卡____________ 26.电子技术____________

27.照顾,照看____________ 课堂导学

Step 1 vocabulary learning

Show some pictures to learn the words.

Step 2 listen and choose the best answer. A2

1. Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can use it _____.

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere

2. All of Daming’s friends numbers are kept in his ___.

A. phone B. computer C. notebook

3. Today’s cameras are better than old ones because they don’ need___ and photos can be sent by __.

A. film, computer B. email, computer C. film, email

4. Lingling thinks everything was changed by______, so it is the most important invention.

A. email B. computer C. mobile phone

Listen and answer. A3

1. Tony wants to borrow his father’s camera because he wants to take some photos ________.

A. on the school visit to the museum next week.

B. of the school dance.

C. of the school dance.

2. Tony’s photos will be shown___________.

A.on TV B. in the magazine C. on the school website

3. What does Tony use to fix a camera with a full memory card?( )

The instructions. B. An empty memory card. C. Some film

Step 3 Reading time.

1. Read and complete the table.

In the past


Keep in touch with friends

Wait for weeks to hear from______ _____abroad

Send and receive photos and mails on the __________

