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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner?下载详情

九年级下册(2014年10月第1版)《Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner?》最新教案下载-白城市优质课

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3)But they were happy to try, and other people, including some English speakers from the UK and the US, were happy to talk to them.

4)I can speak English with you whenever we meet.

Lesson type: Listening and speaking

Teaching methods:PWP approach

StepⅠ Warming up and lead-in

T:What are we doing now?

Ss: We are having an English class.

T: Yes, we are learning English, do you know the people in which countries speak English?

Show the flags to the Ss, get them to guess which country.

Then Talk about the pictures, and then answer the following questions:

1) What are the people doing?

2 )Where are they?

3) Have you ever been to a meeting like this?

After a few minutes, ask some students to answer them.

Step Ⅱ Listening and reading


1)T: First please read the words and the questions in Activity 2.

Write down “make progress, smart, make an effort, be proud of” on the Bb, make an explanation to the Ss, check the answers ,then listen again.

2)T: We know with the development of China, more and more foreigners want to learn Chinese, Tony’s dad, but we Chinese want to learn English, next we will listen to a dialogue between Betty and Lingling about learning English. First I’ll give you a question, “What does Lingling think of learning English?” Listen to the tape.

After listening, ask a student to answer the question, and check it.

3)Then ask Ss to read the dialogue and try to finish “Now decide who might agree with the following sentences. Write B for Betty and L for Lingling”.

3)Check the answers. Listen to the tape again. Ask Ss to read the dialogue.

4) Ask the Ss to choose the useful expressions and sentences.(They can discuss with each other.) Check the results. Show the expressions and sentences on the screen.

Step III Do a report

Introduce myself how to learn English.

Get Ss to talk about how they learn English.

Choose one of each groups to do a report.

Step IV Summary and homework

English is very important, so we Chinese students should try our best to learn English well, never give up.

Today we learnt some words and expressions and learn how to learn English, now let’s do some exercises.
