2. Brainstorm (将写作任务中重难点部分“经历”提前让学生进行讨论,进行热身,化难为简,为后面写作打好基础);
3. Writing Task(进入到写作任务,分四步:审、列、画、加。其中“画”是画思维导图,通过两组比赛的形式,活跃了课堂气氛,并发散学生的思维。);
4. Summary(总结所学)。教学内容层层渐进,步步深入,引导性较强,实际教学效果好。
5. Homework (完善作文)
Step 1: Warming-up
1.When we talk about school life, what can you think of? subjects, timetable, activities, teachers and classmates…
2.Watch a video about our school life in the past two years. (引起学生对School Life这个话题的兴趣)
Step 2: Brainstorm: think, write and share
Oral talk: What did your classmates do when you were in trouble at school? Please describe your experience.
How to describe your experience? (give an example)
Four features: 时间、事件、经过、结果 (给出一些关键词参考,以帮助学生更好地描述)
(Please use the points to describe your experience.)
Step 3: Writing Task
1.Basic rules:
(1)search 审:circle the key words: 总体感受;一件事;怎样
(2)list 列:根据题目关键词简单列出文章的结构和要点。
(总)第一段:I feel …(总体感受)
(分)第二段:Last week, … (一件事)
(总)第三段:In my opinion, … (建议)
(3) draw 画思维导图:(把全班同学分成两大组,以PK形式请学生上讲台把思维导图补充完整,看哪一组同学写得多)
(4) add 加内容
2.Write down the passage(十分钟时间)
3.Show the students’ works.(简单评价)
Step 4: Summary
(1)Basic rules: 审、列、画、加
(2)Experience: 时间、事件、经过、结果
(3)Ways: How to get on well with our classmates
Step 5: Howework