Step 1. Greeting:
T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you?
S:I’m fine, thank you. .
T: Nice to meet you.
S: Nice to meet you ,too.
T: I feel happy. How do you feel?
S: I feel happy, too.
T: So let us sing a song (播放歌曲 red yellow green and blue.通过歌曲既活跃了气氛又复习了颜色.)
T: Today , Marry and Danny will tell us a story. Its name is--- Look at Me.(板书课题)。
T:Today we have two groups :Marry Group and Danny Group .We will see who is better.
Step 2,听故事,初步了解故事的大概内容。
Let’s read it together.集体跟录音朗读故事,不要过多关注学生的发音,大声朗读比正确发音更重要。
Step 3. Read the story in roles.
Step 4 .Act out the story one picture by one picture.
Step5. From the story we know how to describe one person.
Step 6. One student describe herself in the VCR. Others follow.
Homework: Describe yourself to your mother or father after class
Lesson 18 Look at Me!
Look at me!
I have ___ _____
My ____ is/are _______.