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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点三年级上册lesson18 Look at Me下载详情
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四. 教学准备:

教学光盘 身体各部位的词汇卡片 Danny 和 Mary 的头饰 电子白板 ipad

五. 教学过程

1.warm up

(1)Greeting and singing 问候与唱歌

T:Hello, everyone! How are you?

S: I’m fine. Thank you , and you ?

T: I’m fine too.

教师先和全体学生问候,再单独找2-3名学生进行free talk 简单的进行谈话。

T: Hi! My hair is brown. What colour is your hair? How many fingers do you have? How do you feel?


T: All stand up! Let’s sing head shoulder knees toes! My partners come here!

T: Hi!How many hands do you have? What colour is your shoes? How are you ?

(2)Review about body

① 老师通过展示自己的身体引出学生要复习身体各部位的卡片

T:This is my body! What’s this? S: Body! 等其他身体部位。

在拿出卡片复习时,教师还加入了动作,如:Touch your nose. Show me your fingers! How many fingers do you have? Clap your hands! Close your left eye.等动作。通过一系列边说边做的动作复习,加深了学生对身体各部位的了解。

②T:Li Ming is coming ! Look at your ipad! Finish the Li Ming’s body. 让学生在ipad 上完成李明身体部位的练习,通过相匹配的形式加深身体各部位单词的巩固。

2. Class opening. 开始授课

T: Today, we will learn Lesson 18 Look at Me! 学生跟读look , 并开始做look的动作。跟读me,指向自己。教师举例“Look at your hands!”“Look at the window!”


T: Today I’ll tell you a story. This story is about Danny and his friends. Her name is Mary. 教师在黑板的表格上粘贴Danny和Mary的头像及名字。

(1)Watch the video and answer questions. 学生第1遍观看故事并回答问题。

① What colour is Mary’s hair ?

② How many fingers does Danny have?


T: Look at me! My hair is brown. 老师指着自己的头发说,再向学生提问“What colour is Mary’s hair ?” 学生用ipad进行抢答。

T: XXX, how many fingers do you have? 教师向某个孩子提问他有几个手指头,然后提问“How many fingers does Danny have?” 学生用ipad进行抢答。

(2)Watch the video and finish the form. 第2遍分解观看故事进行学习,并完成黑板上的表格。(学生先听每一幅图画的音频,再回答问题。)

① 图1: