(五) 设计思路:
本节课的定位为读写课,在educational exchange 的主题下以Unit5 More Practice中一篇poster为载体让学生进一步了解educational exchange的内容以及参与条件,进而引导学生如何利用application form以及application letter报名申请此类活动。在本节课中, 教材中的文本为本节课创设了具体的情景,并为后面的写作提供足够的语料。第二步教师将情景引入到如何参加educational exchange中,并由此输入第二篇文本“application letter”。在此部分的输入中,教师没有直接展示文本材料,而是引入个性化教学的思想,根据不同学生学习风格的特点进行多维度的输入(根据学习风格理论, 不同的个体可能有着不同的学习风格,包括视觉型、听觉型、动手型等类型。他们会对某种感官途径的信息输入有着特定的敏感度)。 教师先利用一段申请educational exchange的视频结合application form 的使用让学生进行信息获取,然后让学生信息转述形成对相关信息和句子表达的内化。最后是视频内容文本的视觉呈现,并对篇章的结构利用思维导图进行归纳。在课堂的第三部分是写作的输出。教师要求学生写一篇自己的application form, 并创设争取获得免费名额的情景让学生上台展示和竞争。其他同学根据教材中提到的要求以及竞争者的内容进行评判。
Teacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesAimsStep 1 Lead in1) The teacher arouses the topic and goes over the previous lesson with a question “What do you want to do if you can go to an educational exchange?”
Think about the teacher’s question and answer.Introduce the topic and arouse the students’ interest. And meanwhile go over what they learnt in the previous lesson.2) Write down the students answers on the black board.
Copy down the useful phrasesProvide the ultimate out put with enough material.Step 2 ReadingAssign the students to read the passage and choose the correct answer.
Read the passage and choose the correct answer.1) To understand the main idea and train the students’ ability of getting specific information from the texts.
2) Provide the ultimate out put with further material. Step 3 Pre-writingBriefly introduce the application form.
Understand the meaning of each blank.Teach the students how to fill in the application formInformation getting
Context setting
Now, a student from our school wants to take part in this educational exchange, can you help her to fill in the blank?
Activity: Present a video about an application and ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the information in the video. Try to get the detail information of the video and fill in the application form.
Train the students’ ability of getting information through video.
3) Retelling
Activity: In order to check the students’ work in activity one, the teacher will ask the students to retell what the foreign student says. After that, ask them if the student meets the requirements of this educational exchange and why. (Before retelling, the teacher will lead the whole class to review the relevant sentences pattern and meanwhile write them on the blackboard.)Retell what the foreign student says with the help of the information of the form.
Train the students’ ability of concluding information and retelling.
4) Observing and summarizing
Activity: After retelling, the whole class is required to read the scrip of the video. And then ask the class to observe the structure of the application, meanwhile, produce a mind-map on the blackboard.Observe the structure