1、使学生能正确地说、读、写、用下列单词及短语:toys, ball, kite, play with the toys, fly kites。
Step 1. Greetings revision and lead-in
1. Greeting.
T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m you new teacher ---apple. Please say hello to apple.(迅速调动学生学习兴趣)
2. Revision
出示课件使用“What do you do in the morning?”句型复习下列短语:read a book、 watch TV、talk on the telephone、draw a picture、play on the computer、 wash our hands、brush our hair、 brush our teeth.
Step 2 .Presentation
(1) 学习单词kite:创设情景导入,让学生继续观看课件图片出示风筝图片提问What can you see in this picture?帮助学生回答It’s a kite.领读单词并板书。由于放风筝的情景不容易创设,因此继续可用图片引出。 教师提问:“Look !What am I doing ? I’m flying kites.”提炼出fly kites并板书学习。与学生谈话:“Do you like to fly kites ? S1 : I like to fly kites. S2: I like to fly kites. Ss: We like to fly kites.”课件出示第2张图片提问What do you do on Saturday? 帮助学生一起回答We fly kites.
(2)学习单词ball:T:“Hello ,class! Look! This is a beautiful bag. Can you guess! What’s in my bag ? (生纷纷开始竟猜 ,猜的可能是五花八门) What is this? Look! (师拿出盒子里的球,帮助生理解ball)It is a ball . ball、ball 、ball ( 板书:ball 并带领学生学习此单词)
理解catch:学会单词ball以后教师拿出带到课堂上的ball边做动作边引出play catch 、play with a ball,边做动作边对学生说:“Let’s play with the ball.”重复几次扔的动作,边扔边说: play catch,停止后板书:play catch 边让学生扔给自己边说catch,引出play catch with a ball . We play catch with a ball. 这时候课件出示姚明易建联打篮球的图片讲解They play catch with a ball.再次加深这个词组的理解。出示课文第3张图片提问What do you do on Saturday?帮助学生回答We play catch with a ball.
(3)学习单词toys:课件出示各种玩具图片,提问What’s this?帮助学生回答It’s a toy. What are they? They’re toys. toy、 toy 、toy ( 板书:toys领读单词) Hello ! Class. Do you like to play ?(Class: Yes, I like to play .) Me too! I like to play with my friends. Do you like to play with your friends ? (S1:I like to play with my friends. S2: I like to play with my friends. Ss: I like to play with my friends.) OK! Now let’s play with toys.”(并板书play with toys并解释其意思)出示课文第1张图片提问What do you do on Saturday?帮助学回答On Saturday, I play with my friend.出示课文第4张图片提问What does Jenny do on Saturday? 帮助学生回答Jenny plays with her toys.(注意单三变化)。[设计意图:在学生感兴趣的猜的游戏中,自然地过度到新概念的学习,学生情绪高涨,有利于教师的教学。]
Step3.Consolidation and extension
Group work:将学生分成两个小组,第一组学生问第二组学生:“What do you do on Saturday?”句型第二组学生根据实际情况回答,如“I read a book.”回答完后,又问第二同学向第一组学生提问“What do you do on Saturday?” 第一组同学回答。像这样,游戏继续下去。
[设计意图,小学生好胜 ,就让他们在竞争中练]
Step 4.Summary
Ss:新词汇有toys,ball,kite ,catch.新句子有I play with my friends. We fly kites. We play catch with a ball. We read books. Jenny plays with her toy. Saturday is fun.