1 Warming up
Let’s sing a song.《The Wheel on the Bus》
Look!Here comes the bus. Danny and Jenny are on this bus. Can you guess where will they go? They will go to YuHua Street. This Sunday is Li Ming’s birthday. They want to buy some gifts.
2 New concepts
Today is LiMing’s birthday. Danny and Jenny want to buy some story books and a teddy bear for LiMing. Let’s go shopping with them. On the YuHua Street, there are many shops.(teach the word : shop).
Jenny and Danny go into the first shop. What can you see in this shop? Yes, there are many books. So it is a _book____shop.(让学生自己说出店铺的名称) Danny and Jenny buy some books for Li Ming.(教buy 的自然拼读) Danny and Jenny buy some story books here. What book did they buy? Let’s see. They buy The Snow White、The ugly ducking、The hungry little caterpillar and No David. Which book do you like?
After buying books, Danny and Jenny go in to the next shop. Is this shop far from the book shop? No it near the shop. Let’s have a look, what’s in this shop? Yes, there are many toys. So it is a _______toy_____shop. Danny and Jenny buy a teddy bear for Li Ming.
1 Listen and answer
What shop does Jenny want to go next? Let’s listen carefully.
She wants to go to the clothes shop.
What clothes can we buy from the clothes shop?(呈现思维导图)
2 Read and answer
Please think over the following question, read part two, and underline the information.
Q1: What clothes does Jenny want to buy?
Q2: Does Danny want to go to the clothes shop?
Q2: What does Danny want to buy?
Jenny---------a dress
Danny--------ice cream. (上板书)
Danny wants to eat some ice cream. What shop should he go? Ice cream shop.
3 Read and imitate
4 Read in roles
Jenny and Danny went to several shops, they feel thirty. So the go to the tea shop. There are green tea、black tea and flower tea.
If you go to the YuHua Street, What do you want to buy?
I want to buy......
Let’s play a chain game. (Student A ask student B, student B asks student C......)
3 Extension
Mary and Mark received Li Ming’s birthday invitation, too. They want to go shopping. What do they want to buy? Let’ s have a look. We go to the shoe shop, we want to buy shoes. We go to the bakery, we want to buy bread. We go to the bookshop, we want to buy books, we go to the newsagent, we want to buy a comic. We go to the cafe, we want to buy a drink. We go to the supermarket, We can buy all sorts of things.
Exercise 1 Let’s do the match.
4 Pair Work