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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级上册Reading'The Trojan horse'下载详情
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Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Talk about the virus--- the Wooden horse. Ask students where the name comes from.

Step 2 Presentation

Tell something about The Trojan Horse

Who were the two sides of the war?

Who won the war?

How did the war start? Tell students that in some ways, the war started because of a beautiful woman---Helen.

Step 3 Reading

Look through the story quickly and put the pictures in the correct order. Write the numbers 1–5 in the boxes.

Step 4 Reading strategy--- the main ideas of the paragraphs in a story

Tip: pay attention to the most important information, such as the character, the situation or the event.

The story can be divided into five parts.

Paragraphs 1-2


a. The Trojan celebrated in the main square.

Paragraph 3


b. The Greek soldiers climbed out of the

wooden horse and opened the main gates.

Paragraph 4


c. The Greek army disappeared and left a

wooden horse outside the city of Troy.

Paragraphs 5-6


d. The Greeks captured the city of Troy.

Paragraph 7


e. The captain ordered the soliders to pull the horse into the city.
