2、T: How do you feel ?
T: 请一名志愿者到台前任意抽取图片。
Step 2:New Concepts
T:(利用ppt呈现太阳的图片) Look! What is it?
T : Yes, this is the sun(可引入自然拼读) . 升降调领读 sun
Show me your fingers, let’s write t.(老师板书四线三格单词)
T:(教师出示图片)How do you feel when you in the sun?
T: Yes, the sun is hot. 领读 hot .
Can you spell it?
Show me your fingers, let’s write it.(老师板书四线三格单词)
T: (教师呈现雪的图片)What is it?
T: Yes, this is snow.(可适当的引入自然拼读法)
升降调地领读 snow.
Show me your fingers, let’s write it.(老师板书四线三格单词)
T: (出示图片)How do you feel when you in snow?
T: Yes, snow is cold. 领读 cold .
Can you spell it? Show me your fingers, let’s write it.(老师板书四线三格单词)
T:What colour is snow?
T: Yes, Snow is cold and white.
教师用同方法教授单词cloud、rain、 wind。
T:(遮挡图片)Do you see the cloud and the rain?
T:(呈现图片)Do you see the cloud and the rain?
Step3: Listen to the radio
T: Open your books and turn to the page 24. Look at your books and read after it.
T: 在教室走动,给与指导。
Step 4: Exercise
T: There are some new words on the blackboard,