1. 学生能够听说读写sun、 cloud、 rain、 wind、 snow这些词汇。
2. 学唱歌曲《Twelve months 》
1、Greeting as usual:
T: Hello, boys and girls
Ss: Hi, teacher!
T: Nice to meet you
Ss: Nice to meet you too
T: Today we will learn lesson 10 before the new class we will sing a song
2、Now let’s sing a song: (Twelve months )
January February March April May June July August September October November December Twelve months make a year (one more time )
(二) Revision
1复习一年的十二个个月份 January February March April May June July August September October November December 设计意图:此环节既可以调动学生们的积极性, 又可以复习月份的单词。
并导出新课 In different seasons have different weather So today we will learn somethings about weather (三)New concepts
Part 1 What is it?
= 1 ﹨* ROMAN I .Words study
1、教师拿出太阳的简笔画, 并问学生What is it? (教师运用身体语言, 简笔画板书, 实物引导学生猜出谜底是太阳。) 板书sun , 教读几遍, 并引出句型: This is the sun.
2、Teacher asks:How do you feel when you are under the sun? I feel very hot! 教师结合身势语表达hot, 并板书句子 The sun is hot 。
3、教师拿出画cloud的简笔画, 教读cloud这个单词,接着再指着云下面的雨,问 What is it?教授rain 让学生操练学说。 并且引出句子 Do you see the cloud and the rain ? 4、出示wind 的简笔画, 教读 wind, 并用一个问题引出句子 How to say “看我“in English ? 生们回答 Look at me 引出句子Loo at the wind
5 教师画出雪花的简笔画. 提问 :What is it ? 教授Snow 并说句子(This is snow.)紧接着问What color is it? (生回答 white.) When the snow is falling ,How do you feel? (生回答Cold) 并引导出句子 This is snow. Snow is cold and white
6 学习完所有的单词句子老师表达自己的喜好 I like rain and sonw. What about you ?
设计意图: 教师通过简笔画的形式直观的展示本课应掌握的单词, 学生更容易接受。
= 2 ﹨* ROMAN II . Words and Sentences consolidation
1. 教师示范读单词, 并利用闪卡巩固新学单词及词组.
2. 游戏环节: 教师带领学生进行小游戏---What is missing?
设计意图: 本环节中的两个步骤都是围绕单词巩固进行的。利用游戏的形式可以有效地调动学生的积极性, 并起到巩固强化的作用。