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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点四年级下册Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School?下载详情
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Warming?up?and?review:?sing a song with actions 《How are you》.

play the PPT . Show the word cards , bus , car ,bike, foot ,drive,walk.

New?concepts:? introduce the word “by”, by bus ,by car, by bike ,on foot .

Step 1:watch a movie “I go to school”

Practice: I go to school by________.

T: How do you go to school? ( ask and answer)

Ss: I go to school by_____(bus﹨ bike ﹨car﹨taxi). (repeat )

Pair work

Step2: How do you go to school ?

I go to school by_____(bus﹨ bike ﹨car﹨taxi).

5. Play the PPT ,show the picture “near and far from”

Teach the sentence : I live near the school.I go to school on foot.

I live far from the school.I go to school by bus.

6. Practice the sentence : Do you walk to school? Yes, I do.﹨No ,I live far from the school .I go to school by bus.

7. Finish the form .(Read the text)

nameon footby busby carwalkby bike Kim Jenny Steven Danny ?How does ____(Kim﹨Jenny﹨Steven﹨Danny) go to school?

_____(Kim﹨Jenny﹨Steven﹨Danny) goes to school _________.

8.Let’s chant.

How do you go to school?

By bus , by bus.

How do you go to school?

By bike , by bike.

How do you go to school?

By car, by car.

How do you go to school?

On foo t, on foot.

9.Check for understanding.

Hello! My name is _____. I am ____years old. I live ______(near﹨far from) the school .I go to school________.(by bus﹨by car﹨ by bike﹨on foot) How do you go to school?

10.Class closing.
