Show the title and teaching aim.让学生明确本课的学习目标。
1. “Magic box”. Guess what’s in the magic box.
(lead out the words of transportation way)
2. What is it? It’s a…bike﹨bus﹨taxi﹨car
Special way: Use the foot(feet) to walk.
3. Practice
(let class do it)由于本课的交通工具的单词都是学过的,通过图片引出,本课要使用的单词,这样比较自然。Step31. Listen to a song.
How do you go to school? By bus/by car/…
2. Guessing game.
How do you go to school?
I go to school ……
By bus, by car, by taxi, by bike, on foot.
3. Look and say.
4. Listen and write
Read the text and make the dialogue, then write out the answer通过游戏的方式学习本课的重点,会让学生更有兴趣。
带着问题或任务去听或读更能体现学习的目的性。Step41. Group work(1) free—talk one by one
2. Practice Fill in the blank.
3. Group work(2) Interview 课堂的反馈,能体现学生是否掌握了本课的知识。Step51. Summary
How do you go to school
I go to school by(on)…
2. Homework总结出本课的重点,让学生进一步加深对重点知识的印象Blackboard designLesson 16 How do you go to school?
How do you go to School?
I go to school by bus
by car
by bike
by taxi
walk =on foot
I walk to school.Teaching reflection从总体教学来看,本堂课达到了自己预设的教学目标。学生的反馈情况看,基本上掌握了本课的重点知识。但个人感觉,在一些细节方面,自己拿捏的不是特别好,导致课堂教学不是特别流畅。