Teaching step:
Class opening and review
1. Let’s sing a song!
《If you’re happy》
Review the words. And ask:
What colour is it /are these?
---It’s ______./These are _____
3. Play a game.
Guess what? And then make sentences with the colour word.(I will give a candy to the person who answer the question right.)
New concept
1. Create realistic situations: Let’s go shopping!
Create a scene to shopping. Show the T-shirt in different colours. Let the students buy according to their favourite colour.
T: Which one do you want to buy?
S: The … one.
T: Why?
S: Because … is my favourite.
2. Pair work.
A: What’s your favourite colour?
B: My favourite colour is …
… is my favourite colour.
3. Listen and answer the questions:
1. What is Kim’s favourite colour?
2. What is Jenny’s favourite colour?
3. What is Steven’s favourite colour?
4. What is Danny’s favourite colour?
______’s favourite colour is _____.
Let’s sing!
《Red, Yellow, Blue and Green Stand up》
Do exercise.