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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点四年级下册Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours下载详情
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Step1 Greeting.

T: Good morning, class. Today we are going have six classes. I am not only your English teacher today. Please listen to me carefully. I have surprise for all of you. Just be active and try to follow me. Ok? If you answer my question and join us, I will give you skittles.

Step2 Music Class.

1. Listen to the Colour Cong.

T: Now first, we will have a music class. I am Miss Feng, but I am not your English teacher. I am your music teacher. Now let’s listen to an English song and try to answer my questions.

What colours do you hear in the song?

2.Check the answers.

The students who give the answer can get one candy.

When the teacher gives the skittles to the students, the teacher can ask questions like this, what is your favourite colour?

Step3 Art Class.

T: Now I don’t want to be a music teacher. I am your art teacher. Now I will ask you something about the art. Do you know the three primary colours? What are they?

S: They are red, yellow and blue.

Give the students who answer the questions skittles. And ask him or her favourite colours.

Write the word blue on the blackboard and read them several times.

T: Now I have some magic clay. They are red, yellow and blue. Do you want to play? Who wants to play?

Choose three students and ask them to the front. Ask them what their favourite colours are. Give each student one colour.mix the red clay with the yellow clay. We can see the colour orange. Mix the orange clay with the blue clay. We can see the colour brown. Write the word brown on the blackboard. Read it for several times.

Summary: They are all called colours.

Read the words blue, brown and colour several times.

Step4 Math Class.

T: Look at the pictures and tell me how many colours you can see in the pictures.

Ask what the student’s favourtie colour is. Repeat the word favourite. Write the word favourite on the blackboard.

Read the words blue, brown, colour and favourite for several times.

Step5 PE class

T: Now I am not your art teacher. I want to be your PE teacher. Let’s have a rest. Listen to me carefully and do with me.

Orders: Stand up!

Reach up!

Bend down!

Sit down!
